Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Foods High in Iron are Important to Your Health

For over a hundred years, nutrition experts have considered foods high in iron to be required in supplying an essential mineral for our bodies. Iron's primary function within the body is to help both the blood and muscles carry the oxygen that our cells need to be able to use the sugars that "feed" them. Iron also helps the immune system, it helps in brain development, and it's used in the body's temperature regulation.
Our bodies are able to store and reuse most of the iron that we use on a day to day basis, however roughly between 10% and 5% of it is lost each day and much be replentished through our diets. Men are able to store more iron than women, and during pregnancy and menstruation this gap becomes even wider. When we don't consume enough iron in our diets to replace what we lose daily, we will start feeling the effects of an iron deficiency.
How much iron do we need?
The USRDA for iron for women 50 and older and all men is 8 milligrams per day. For women between 18 and 50, the USRDA is 18 milligrams per day. The RDA for Children is 10 milligrams per day.
How can we add iron to our diets?
Iron is found in two forms in the foods that we eat: heme iron from animal tissues (meats), which is readily absorbed by our bodies, and non-heme iron which is primarily the type of iron found in vegetables. Non-heme iron isn't absorbed ad readily ad heme iron - it depends on the body's needs. Vitamin C eaten with a meal will help the absorption of non-heme iron. Tea, coffee, red wine, or an excess of zinc, manganese, or calcium can decrease its absorption.
Refined flours are enriched with iron to replace the iron that's lost during processing. As a result, anything made with these flours becomes an excellent source of iron - these products will be labeled to indicate that they were made with enriched flours. Most ready-to-eat cereals contain at least 25-30% of the RDA for iron.
Prolonged iron deficiency leads to Anemia, which is a condition where both the number of red blood cells and their size is decreased. Anemia results in decreased oxygen in the bloodstream and can cause tiredness, headaches, irritability, and depression. Temporary Anemia can also be caused by heavy blood loss through heavy menses, bleeding ulcers, hemorrhoids, and colon cancer.
On the other hand, too much iron can be toxic, leading to damage of the heart and liver. The body usually does a good job of excreting excess iron, however, it is not recommended that an individual take supplements with high levels of iron.
The best way to ensure that we get enough iron is by eating a balanced diet. Doctors usually only recommend iron supplements to infants and toddlers and pregnant or lactating women. It's important for vegetarians and vegans to consume more iron-rich foods than those who consume meats.
Finally, cooking acidic foods such as tomatoes in iron cookware can also increase the amount of iron in your diet. However, normal cooking usually causes foods to lose some of their iron, therefore it's best to cook foods for the least amount of time with a minimal amount of water.
If your doctor has indicated that you might have a slight deficiency in iron, a little attention to your diet to ensure you are eating enough foods high in iron will usually correct the problem without the need for supplements.
John Roberts is a nutrition researcher who educates the public on the benefits of a healthy diet. Please
visit his blog for more articles and further information on balanced nutrition.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Find The Truth About ADHD And Food Sweeteners

What food sweeteners to avoid
What are food sweeteners*This article only concentrates on food sweeteners, other food additives will be discussed in other articles.
In my ‘Discover The Truth About ADHD And Food Preservatives’ article, we discovered that foods containing certain food preservatives are best avoided if your child suffers from ADHD.
Food sweeteners in some cases can also affect your child’s ADHD symptoms.
To further help your child, it would be wise for food sweeteners to be eliminated or reduced in your child’s diet.
You will need to eliminate or reduce the following terrible ten ingredients from your child’s diet:
Food Colourings
Food Flavourings
Corn Syrup and Sweeteners
Sodium Benzoate
Calcium PropionateWhat Are Food Sweeteners?
Today, food sweeteners are commonly added to processed foods.
Food manufacturers add food sweeteners to their food products, as a ‘healthy’ alternative to sugar, to sweeten the taste of their product.
The main sweeteners added to food are:
Corn Syrup (Glucose)
SucroseCorn syrup, also known as glucose, comes from treated corn starch. It is a common problem for children suffering from ADHD.
Fructose is another sweetener which can cause problems in sensitive children.
Fructose is fruit sugar which is found in all fruits and it sounds totally natural.
But, the fructose used in processed foods is extracted from sugar not fruit.
Table sugar or granulated sugar is sucrose which is extracted from sugar cane or sugar beet.
Other sweeteners which you may cause ADHD symptoms are:
Corn sweetener
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Saccharin*Source, Why Can’t My Child Behave, Jane Hersey
So, to sum up…
As well as foods containing:
Food colourings
Food flavourings
Food preservativesIt may also be wise to eliminate or restrict foods containing the food sweeteners mentioned in this article to help your child’s ADHD symptoms.
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Download 'How To Beat ADHD Naturally' Free E-book

How To Cook Salmon In an Oven That Everyone Will Love

If you love salmon, but you have no idea how to cook salmon, read on. It's very easy and delicious and something your family will actually enjoy eating.
First, take your salmon and slice it in the middle, so that it will be a pocket. Don't cut it all the way through. You want to leave around a half an inch still together.
Place small lemon slices inside your 'pocket.' You want to add around two chopped cloves of garlic and some black pepper to your liking. Now, one of the easiest ways to learn how to cook salmon is to start off cooking it in the oven.
Place some aluminum foil around the salmon, and close it loosely. Heat your oven to 350 degrees and pop in the salmon.
You want to let it cook for about 8 to 10 minutes. Then check the salmon to see if it's done. When you're learning how to cook salmon, one tip is to check and see if the meat is flaky or still 'heavy.'
If it's still a bit undercooked, return the salmon to the oven for about 3 to 4 more minutes. Then, take the salmon out of the oven and let it sit in the aluminum foil for a few more minutes. You can then serve the salmon with some of your favorite sauce, like lemon and butter or marinara.
Once you learn how to cook salmon in the oven, you can move on to more difficult ways like the stovetop or grill. Enjoy!
Want even more great ways to cook a salmon? Visit
How to Cook Salmon and discover how to make the best salmon you ever tasted. Jessica S is also the owner of BBQ Ideas and Fruit Smoothie Recipes.

Can You Absorb Protein At One Time

Many people claim that the body can only absorb so much protein per meal, and Many different numbers are perpetuated in this myth.
 The biggest protein myth is that you can only digest 30 grams of protein at one time. Find out what's wrong with this belief and just how much protein you need. This is a common question. I also get variations such as, how much protein can you digest at one time?
There are two ways to answer this, because there really two questions being asked.
1) How much protein can the digestive system physically absorb into the bloodstream from a meal?
2) How much protein can you body actually utilize?
The answers...
1) About 95% and higher, unless you have some type of digestive system malfunction.
So if you get convinced by supplement companies to drink a 42g protein shake in 5 minutes, you'll still probably absorb at 38 or more grams of that protein.
Your muscle growth is not limited by the amount of protein you can DIGEST or ABSORB.
Your muscle growth IS LIMITED by the amount of protein that your body can utilize for protein synthesis.
So the answer to #2...
2) A lot less than you think.
You really don't need 40, or 30, or probably even 20g of protein per meal to keep your protein synthesis humming along. See Nutrition Help Expert Brad Pilon's post on "How Much Protein Do We Really Need"
Any protein that your body can't use for growth will be shuttled into a process where it is broken down (de-aminated: meaning the nitrogen is removed from the molecule and it becomes a carbon skeleton) to be used in energy pathways.
Now, there are benefits for eating extra protein (in my opinion) when dieting, mainly that it helps to suppress appetite.
But the bottom line to the question I am asked almost everyday is...
a) Your body can digest and absorb almost all of the protein you eat without problem.
b) Your muscles can only do so much with protein...the muscle growth process is RARELY, if ever limited by the amount of protein we consume. Almost all of us can easily get enough protein for maximum muscle growth without the need for eating 50g of protein 6 times per day. Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, and Gunter Schlerkcamp excluded, of course.
Overall, I'd think twice about the need to slam down a 40-50g protein shake...just think of the children and puppies you'll save by not gassing them out with protein farts.
Real food should cover all your protein needs.
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. More nutrition help and fat loss workouts show you how to burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight for abs exercises help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Grill Tri-Tip the Easy & Tasty Way - A Fantastic Tri Tip Beef Recipe

If you are looking for a great tri tip beef recipe, this article is what you need!
Do you like being outside with your friends grilling on a sunny summer day? Well then, if you enjoy steak, I would recommend getting a tri-tip. It is one of the best cuts of meat to serve to a lot of people. The best part about it is that it is a lot cheaper to serve a tri-tip steak than a bunch of individual steaks. A decent size tri-tip can easily feed about five hungry people.
Most people who live on the East Coast have not been introduced to the tri-tip. It is actually considered to be a roast, and comes from the bottom of the sirloin. Even though it is a roast, when grilled, it is much more similar to steak. If you go to a BBQ on the West Coast you are guaranteed to find this cut of meet sizzling on the grill.
People prepare this steak many different ways. A great way is to marinate it overnight so that the flavor fully soaks into the meat. You can also coat it with a dry rub right before throwing it on the grill. My favorite way of cooking this steak is apply a dry rub, then spread BBQ sauce all over it about 10 minutes before it is ready to come off the grill. If grilled properly, it should leave the meat with a nice crust and a great center flavor.
Make sure that you grill your tri-tip over an indirect heat at about 325°F. This is referred to as slow cooking, and yes its very slow (ranging from 60 to 90 minutes depending on the size of the meat). You should figure about 30 minutes per pound.
If you like your steak burnt to a crisp, then the tri-tip is not for you. This cut of meat should be cooked medium rare to medium. When the center of the meat reaches 140°F, it is time to take it off of the grill. When it is off the grill, let it sit uncovered for about 10 minutes so that the juices won't all run out.

Eating Healthy For One

When you're on your own, and you're planning on eating healthy for one, it can seem like a daunting and thankless task. Yet if you plan carefully, you can both save time and eat healthier than you might have thought you could.
Almost any meal that you would normally cook for a full family can be adjusted to making individual meals for eating healthy for one. If you have some spare time, one day a week, you can create a variety of delicious, healthy meals for yourself.
First find a few recipes that you think you would like, and get the needed items to prepare them on the day and time you have set aside to do so. Prepare the full meals as directed, then separate them into individual servings and put them into separate freezer containers.
Eating healthy for one doesn't mean that you have to cook every day.  If you follow this procedure every week or so, you can have a variety of home made healthy meals available to you by just opening your freezer. Just remember to label and date them, and rotate them as you make more meals so that nothing will go out of date before you eat it.
Before leaving for work in the morning, you can pull something out to thaw and when you come home, by using a microwave, you can have a hot, delicious meal on the table in minutes, eating healthy for one because you already did the hard part preparing and separating your meals.
When you have the time, you can create meals with four to six servings or adapt the recipes so that they could feed you for weeks.
If you don't have any ideas, one easy recipe you could try is Orange Glazed Chicken:
Lay one skinless, boneless chicken breast in a cooking dish and drizzle it with extra virgin olive oil and toss on a few cloves of garlic.
You will want to bake it until it is cooked throughout, and during the final five minutes or so, juice a medium size orange into a sauce pan and over a low heat, cook it until it nearly boils.
Whisk in a Tbsp. of a good white wine or orange liqueur (if you like a more intense citrus flavor) and cook until it is reduced by half.
If you prefer not to cook with alcohol, you can substitute it for an equal amount of water.
Take the chicken out of the oven and put it on a plate.  Let it stand for a couple minutes then pour the warm glaze over the top.
You can add a nice green salad to that and be eating healthy for one.
If you'd like to have a dessert with that, no problem. Try this favorite of mine:
Melt one to two ounces of white chocolate in a double boiler, or in the microwave, being careful just to melt it and not burn it. Then allow it to cool just slightly then stir in about 1/3 cup of heavy cream (just an occasional treat, not to be recommended daily).
Stir the mixture well and pour it over some fresh sliced fruit of your choice. If eaten occasionally, this stays with your theme of eating healthy for one, and it goes wonderfully with the glazed chicken meal.
I hope you have found this helpful and now realize that eating healthy for one doesn't have to be a big daily job for you or anyone.
For more

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Alkaline diet Foods: The best way to lose weight

Alkaline Foods: The best way to lose weight
      How to make 4 Organic food ideas that will help you live longer and healthier
What are alkaline foods, why are they important, how to test yourself and how to become more healthier
      The alkaline diet food describes a group of diet foods based on the belief that certain foods can affect the acidity of bodily fluids, including the urine or blood and can be used to prevent diseases. Acids are mostly used for home cleaning and certainly your stomach.
      Acidity is measured by the pH level of the bodily fluids. Our blood’s pH level is pretty much determined by the food we eat. The alkaline diet consists of various foods, defined as alkaline or acidic, that allegedly will bring the pH of the blood to a level of slight alkalinity
      It's easier when you know which foods help your body stay get to and stay in an alkaline state.
List of Alkaline foods that can be effective in preventing and treating a number of health conditions.
Brussels Srpouts
Cabbage Lettuce
Green Beans
Lamb's Lettuce
Mustard Greens
New Baby Potatoes
Red Cabbage
Red Onion
White Cabbage

How to make 4 Organic food ideas that will help you live longer and healthier

What are alkaline foods, why are they important, how to test yourself and how to become more alkaline.
Learn how maintaining optimal pH balance in your body can improve your health status. Find out which foods leave an alkaline or acid ash.
Foods are classified as acid-forming or alkalizing depending on the effect they have on the body.
Most people walk into a supermarket, read labels that have the word ‘organic' on them and purchase without really thinking if the food is really healthy. In the majority of cases the food is not even organic to begin with, and the word organic is just part of the business's name, deceptively used to sell their products. If you really want to live a long and healthy life you need to start with cooking your own meals. This will enable you to control what you and your family eats. It will also give you some control over the nutritional value of everything that you eat and feed your family. Below we look at a few tips assuming that you're cooking your own food.

Eat only real foods
By definition all foods are real! But what real foods really refers to are foods which have not been extensively processed, don't contain artificial preservatives and are not manufactured on an assembly line. It is a disturbing fact that the average kid in the developed world is growing up on Twinkies, pizza, TV dinners and hot dogs. Real foods are the basis of any commonsense diet, the only processing they require is your cooking. Also, foods that are less processed will require far less energy and will require far fewer resources to reach your plate. Also organic foods are rich in natural vitamins, and nutrients because it's not been sucked out of them via artificial processes. So, if you're going to read the labels make sure that it is not long with all types of unknown ingredients. Better yet buy food without any labels from the organic aisle.
Rely less on meat
Most people think if the meat is labelled as being organic then they are doing a good job of purchasing organic food. The truth is that if you could in fact skip red meat you'll be doing yourself and the planet a favor. You need to consider the fact that areas cleared for farming livestock amounts to 18% of the world's greenhouse gases according to the UN. This is twice as much as what all the cars in the world emit each year into the atmosphere. Then you also need to take into account the environmental damage caused by livestock. Simply reading the label does not amount to purchasing nutritious meat that will not give you heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes. Almost any expert you speak to will say that limiting red meat will help to prevent everything from cancer to high blood pressure and anxiety attacks.

Seasonal foods
You should only stick to eating food which has been grown during the present season. By eating fruits and vegetables which have been harvested at same time of year means that they are a fresher, more nutritious, cheaper and easier to cook than foods not in season. This results in tastier foods. You also will not have to go around searching the organic food isle of every supermarket searching for them. The best way to know what is in season is to use a farmer's calendar something which you can search for online. 
Smith Francies
Organics Only owns a number of organic farms around Australia. We are known to be experts on organic food and gardens for over two decades.  We also deliver organic fruits and vegetables around the country.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Make a Yummy Low Fat Pizza

There was this line in a movie (I can't quite recall which) that said "Fatless, salt-less, sugarless… and tasteless" or something to the same effect. This actually reflects a quite popular sentiment in this day and age of health consciousness. People who wish to be healthy or who want to lose a few pounds are of the belief that they have to sacrifice taste if they wish to achieve their desired weight or health goals. Naturally, tasteless yet healthy foods don't lend itself well as a substitute for tasty yet rich foods to which we have been accustomed. As a result, people who go on a low fat diet usually find themselves reverting to old habits sooner or later.

Nevertheless, while it is true that majority of health and low fat foods being sold in the market do tend to be bland, this is not applicable in all cases. If nothing else, there is such a thing as a yummy, low fat pizza. Yup, a delicious low fat pizza is definitely possible. In fact this article will instruct you on how to make one. All you need is a proper understanding of what constitutes healthy, low fat food and how to apply such principles into making your pizza.

The Principles of a Low Fat Diet

Understand one thing: low fat doesn't mean non-fat. These two are entirely different things. Low fat means you reduce the amount of fat in your diet. This means that less than thirty percent of your daily calorie intake should come from fat.

A low fat diet also means a reduction in the amount of unhealthy fats in your diet. By unhealthy fats, we are referring to saturated fats (which are unhealthy because they raise bad cholesterol levels) and polyunsaturated fats (which are unhealthy because they reduce the amount of ALL types of cholesterol and do not discriminate between good and bad cholesterol). Each of these two types of fat must consist less than ten percent of your daily calorie intake. Monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, are the "healthy fats" because they promote good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Such healthy fats, however, should still only comprise less than fifteen percent of your daily calorie intake.

Reduction in the amount of fat and reduction in the amount of unhealthy fats are the basic principles of a healthy, low fat diet. If you reduce the amount of fat intake but consumes only or mostly unhealthy fats, then you are, technically, on a low fat yet generally unhealthy diet.

A low carb diet is not the same as a low fat diet. A low fat diet can be one that has high carbohydrate content whereas a low carb diet can have a high fat content. With careful planning, however, it is possible to combine a low fat diet with a low carb diet.

There are debates as to which of these two types of diet is healthier. Definitely, a low fat diet that reduces the intake of unhealthy fats is healthy. However, if your goal is to reduce weight, a low carb diet is more effective in the short run. Nevertheless, a low carb diet can lead to more side effects and can be unhealthy in the long run whereas the low fat diet, although apparently not as effective as a weight reduction measure in the short term, is more effective as a weight maintenance measure in the long run.

Now that the definition of a low fat diet has been discussed, and the low carb and low fat diet have been sufficiently differentiated, it is time to apply such tenets. Get your pizza pan and wooden spoon ready. It's time to make our yummy, low fat pizza. Take note that we are going to make real, homemade pizza - not something that simply looks and tastes like pizza.

How to Make a Yummy Low Fat Pizza

The secret to making a low fat pizza is finding out the fat content of your usual pizza ingredients, finding a low fat substitute, reducing overall fat content, and adjusting the other ingredients and the cooking procedures to reflect the changes. You need not compute the calories in pizza to make a low fat pizza.

Low fat pizza dough

The change should start with the pizza crust. Whether you are making a thin crust or a thick crust, you should always focus on how much fat content your pizza crust recipe has. For instance, the basic pizza dough recipe has the following ingredients: flour, yeast, water, oil/shortening, milk, salt, and sugar. To make pizza crust relatively low in fat content, therefore, you must check each of the ingredients and find substitutes when applicable.

In the easy pizza crust recipe indicated above, it is easy enough to find low fat substitutes. First, you should use vegetable oil instead of animal fat or butter as your shortening in your pizza recipe. Of all vegetable oils, however, it is best to use olive oil which has the highest amount of monounsaturated fat content. Avoid palm and coconut oil as these have higher saturated fat content. Next, you should use dry, non-fat milk solids to replace regular milk.

Aside from replacing the ingredients that you can with their low or non-fat substitutes, you should also reduce the total amount of fat in your pizza dough recipes. Use as little oil as possible in your pizza dough. Moreover, do not use egg yolks even if your traditional homemade pizza recipe calls for it.

Substituting olive oil for butter or shortening should not result in any drastic changes. In fact, you can use extra virgin olive oil for a stronger olive flavor. If you prefer your crust to be creamy, you shouldn't worry since you are using milk on your dough anyway. The above ingredients should therefore give you great-tasting, low fat pizza.

Now, if you want to make an even healthier pizza dough, increase fiber content by using whole wheat flour instead of the usual white flour; reduce the amount of salt and sugar, too. Then, you can decrease carbohydrate content by opting for a thin crust pizza (less carb per slice) or reducing the amount of flour. To compensate for the less flour, you can use egg whites as binder (of course, amount of water must be reduced in proportion to the amount of egg white used).

Pizza Toppings and Pizza Sauce Low Fat Pizza

It is much easier to choose pizza toppings for a low fat pizza recipe. You should primarily choose vegetable toppings. Thus, a vegetable pizza is preferable. For variety, you can add fruit and make it a vegetable-and-fruit pizza. You can find a vegetable pizza recipe or a fruit vegetable recipe online; you can also create your own.

No-cheese pizza is best, but if you really must have cheese, then find low fat cheese or find a low fat cheese blend that you can live with. Moreover, less cheese is best. Use just enough cheese to give your pizza flavor; I'm afraid that cheese pizza is generally out then.

Tomato sauce is healthy, but you should choose one with a lower salt and sugar content. If you want, you can make your own. You can even dice up your own tomatoes and use them as toppings. Finally, substitute lean meat to your fat-laden sausages; use white meat (without the fat portions) instead of red meat. Add herbs and herbal pizza spices to add flavor and taste to your low fat pizza.

With more than 10 years experience both working and owning pizza restaurants. When he tried to find information about making pizza at home, he noticed that the information was either non-existent or lacked the information he felt was important. He now shares his passion for making pizza with readers of his website.